Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 1 - History of Internet.

I've been introduced to the internet when i was Pri 5 when i had to go and find pictures of birds for my Young Scientist Card. My dad taught me and showed me around Google and Yahoo. i was fasinated but did not really bother where do these information come from. Now i rely it everyday for my mail, work and entertainment. For me internet was just a 'fun box' till i got to know more about it in this module.

Here is a brief History of the internet.

as complicated as internet is now, it started out just as a defensive tool for USA then to scholars and researchers, finally for public usage.

Internet and Intranet.

the main difference between these two terms are the way it spreads it's information. Intranet is like a sub-set of Internet. it does have the same function, have the same softwares. Just that the information shared are within a certain group of people like school or office computers, where as for the internet, information is passed on to anyone around the globe.

Internet address and domains.

Internet domains and address are as important as out own names. It makes them unique and also makes it easier for one to track down a certain website when needed. From this video i realised that we can also try trying out the IP address instead of the actual domain name to go in a certain website. So i tired it out and here is this webpage's IP address :

Try it! =D

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