Friday, March 20, 2009

Week 6 - Google Tools =)

i've been using some of the applications from Google and right now, my favourate tool is the Google Map!

I won't say that that I'm a bad map reader but it's so much more easier if someone could just draw the fastest direction when ever I'm lost, and Google Map does this for me.

For example, if i wish to go to school and i need to know the fastest way to go there. They will give you a choice if you wish to travel by car or walking (which is highly unlikely =S). just write down the address of the starting location and the final destination and Voila! They will draw a line showing the route. Time estimation will also be provided as well as the specific roads to drive on and the detail information of which direction to go on the left column.

But if you are a more visual person, no fret, you can go and click on the right top corner where you have a choice of 'Map' 'Satellite' and 'Terrain' and pick 'Satellite'. You'll have a up close picture of your destination!

Picture of the school grounds =)

So here is my top pick for Goggle tools and I hope you enjoy using it too!

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