Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week 5 - Education and the internet

Education isn't like what it use to be in the past. Learning now do not always have to be rigid and boring. It is now interactive, colorful and very digitalized.

Back when i was in Primary school, everything was done manually. we have to copy notes from the board, bring tonnes of books to class and practice our penmenship endlessly to make the grade.

Now in University, we don't copy notes but rather take pictures of the slides in our phones. We scan our books into our computer so we don't have to carry heavy books around. Who need a pen when we can type everything down in our laptop (and take pictures too!)?

Both virtural and E-learning has impacted so much in the way we learn, we interact with our lectures and how we do our work. It is not unusual to have online courses now where you can view your lessons any time of the day and where ever you fancy. if you want to learn anything now, you are glad to know that you are not confined to any classroom, and you are not judged by your race or gender but as long as you have a computer and internet connection, welcome to the new fronter of education!


Learning occurs every single day of our lives, from the moment your awake to the time you tuck in to bed. For example, i had a bad hangover this morning (knowledge) and i realised that i must had drank too much the previous night (comprehension). Then i decided to head down to the pharmacy and grab some pills to cure the handover (application). when i do get better, i will take note how effective the medicine was (analysis) and reflect why i did drink the previous night. I'll recall it was my friend's birthday party (synthesis) and would make a mental note to buy more of such pills along just in case when i go out and party (evaluation).

well i know this example is not the BEST one to explain about Bloom's Taxonomy. But it gives a main idea how each single level of learning is done in order to climb up the next learning system. Throughout this whole example, i could have used the internet for search for more information on the pills which i should take to cure hangovers, or learn how to control my liquor. ( i don't usually drink that much anyway..... haa haa )

So we now do know that learning or getting information does not just limit to books and lectures, literaly everything can be found online. =D

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